Mobile Website Design: a need in today’s world

Posted: May 17, 2012 in Web Design and Development
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In a world ruled by Internet, where dynamic marketing is more about engaging customers from digital platforms, making them feel part of a dialogue, not like old school advertising (client-oriented, but not interactive and engaging), having a strategic approach to your Mobile Website Design is not only a wise  alternative, it is the inevitable tactic.

Statistics show that 97 % of adults in North America spend an average of 45 minutes every day connected to Internet, and an ever increasing number is now doing it from their smartphones. They are not just browsing the web on their way to work; they are also making their online purchases, connecting to their social networks, and getting information on important topics.

This alone should be proof enough to make your website go mobile. Failing to do so in the immediate future (right now) would mean dooming your product or service to losses of business revenues.

The benefits of a modern marketing approach are obvious, and so is the change in the marketing rules, now with real-time communication, the targeted one-to-one marketing. The need to have a website design that fits mobile platformsform an aesthetic point of view is more imperious than ever.

There are different strategies for this, but common sense advises to go for simple, yet effective website design solutions.  There are the obvious technical challenges; it is not as simple as to adapt your already existing website to mobile platform. However, it is a good start. After all, you don’t want to change your existing website with itscontent and already approved and probably emblematical design.

There is a very simple suggestion: find a professional company that can do it for you, they should be able to structure your website and deliver a design that matches the original site. Sometimes, just redirecting your customers to an optimized version will do the trick.

However, if you are one of those who is not yet on the mobile website rocket, you better get on fast, for if you delay getting engaged in this world, to be able to advertise your products or services, market on the new levels of interaction and customer active participation, from a smartphone in their hands, the rocket take off might leave you blinded and lost. As apocalyptical as this may sound, it is a sane warning, the world is moving fast, but you may as well be able to get your product I the hand of every potential client.

  1. Timothy McKenzie says:

    True. Almost all of the people I know are now connected to the internet through their mobile phones.

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